Components used... 1 small NPN transistor and 2 resistors

Connected the multi meter between
base and emitter got a voltage reading of
0.7 v and also recorded a high amp flow.

Connected multi meter between
collector and emitter got a reading of 0.6v indicating that the transistor is ewell saturated and is working well as a switch.
Demostrating how the transistor works...
A on the diagram to the left would indicate high current flow using low voltage shows that this is a good working switch.
B on the diagram is located on the bottom yu can just see it..shows low current flow using high voltage indicating a bad switch.The power dissapated by the transistor at vce of 3v is 15 ic (ma) this is known as the active zone.
What is the Beta of this transitor at 2,3 & 4 v?
2 v = 20/.8 mA
3 v = 14/.5 mA
4 v = 5/.2 mA
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