Demonstrating an understanding of resistors and there values...this is made easy by the use of the colour chart and a multi meter....
A commonly asked ? is which end you start to read the band from this is easy if there is a gold or silver band at either end if there isn't one you would start at the side that is grouped up closely together if there is this means you keep that colour to the right and start reading from the left..The gold and silver bands represent ..tolerance and co-efficiency.
When the resistors are put into a
series there values can be added together to create a greater resistance level basically you just add the resistances together to get total resistance level.
But when put into a
parralel connection for example if i had 3 resistors
A 100 ohms
B 235 ohms
C 220 ohms
this would be calculated as below
1/rt = 1/100 + 1/235 + 1/220 = 0.018
1/rt = 1/0.018
RT = 53.1 ohms
This has given you a total resistance level of 53 ohms which is correct as it should be lower than the lowest resistor used.
I tested 6 different resistors and applied this formula above to determine there values in parallel and series connections.
For example a resistor with
ORANGE-ORANGE-BROWN has a value of (330 ohms)
RED-YELLOW-ORANGE-GOLD has a value of (24k-ohms 5%)
But if you come across a resistor with 5 bands for example
This resistor is calculated with the 4band rule ignoring the red.